Best Nursing Schools in Connecticut

Connecticut's best nursing schoolsThere is a big demand for nurses in Hartford, New Haven, Bridgeport, and many other cities in Connecticut. Whether you live in the state now or you plan to move her in the future, you should be able to find work as a nurse. Getting a good education will certainly improve your chances of getting a job in the future. The information below shows all the benefits that come with nursing schools in Connecticut. Use it to decide if this is the right career for you.

How to Become a Nurse in Connecticut

In order to become a nurse, you need to get a college education. There are several levels of education to choose from based on the type of nurse you want to be. When you start looking through nursing schools in Connecticut, try to find ones that are accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) or the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission (NLNAC). These boards test out nursing degree programs to make sure they properly prepare you for work in the real world.

Here is an overview of common nursing degrees in Connecticut, as well as the amount of time you’ll spend in each of them:

  • Diploma of Nursing (DN): 1 year
  • Associate’s Degree in Nursing (ADN): 2 years
  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN): 4 years
  • Master of Science in Nursing (MSN): 6 years
  • Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP): 8+ years

After you get through your career training, you will need to obtain a nursing license. You may also need certifications for specific skills in your profession. To find out which licenses and certifications are right for your future career, contact the Connecticut Board of Nursing.

Tuition for Connecticut Nursing Schools

The money you pay for college will depend on several factors, like the time you need to spend in school and the type of school you choose to attend. The stats below indicate the average tuition rates for Connecticut, not specific to nursing degree programs. This information is courtesy of the College Board.

  • Public Two Year College: $3,786 per year
  • Public Four Year University: $10,206 per year
  • Private Four Year University: $38,776 per year

Job Prospects for Connecticut Nurses

The projected job growth for nursing is high throughout the country, and Connecticut is no exception. Nurse practitioners, nurse anesthetists, nurse educators, and other upper-level nurses are in particularly high demand due to a lack of qualified professionals in the area. Here are some pay rate estimates for nurses in Connecticut. (BLS)

  • Nursing Assistant: $31,840 per year
  • Licensed Practical Nurse: $54,840 per year
  • Registered Nurse: $76,920 per year
  • Nurse Practitioner: $96,910 per year

Check out the nursing schools Connecticut has for you and you could be on your way to work in no time.

Nursing Schools in Connecticut

Saint Joseph College

  • City: West Hartford
  • Degree Level: Bachelor’s
  • Tuition: $30,408