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Men in Nursing
General Statistics (
- 9% of all nurses are men. 91% are women
- The above numbers break into 330,000 and 3.2 million
- In 2013, male registered nurses earned an average of $1,236 per week, while women earned $1,086 (
- Male nursing assistants earned $499 a week, compared to $450 in women (same as above)
- In total, female nurses make $.91 to the $1 compared to male nurses
Employment Breakdown for Male Nurses (
- 78% registered nurses
- 19% licensed practical nurses
- 3% nurse practitioners
- 1% nurse anesthetists
Male Nurse Anesthetists ***VERY INTERESTING*** (
- Even though only 1% of male nurses are nurse anesthetists, 41% of all nurse anesthetists are male. That is partly why male nurses as a whole make more than female nurses.
- Male nurse anesthetists earn an average of $162,900 a year
Distribution of Men in Nursing (
- LVN: 8% of LVNs are male. They earn an average of $40,200 a year
- RN: 9%, $61,900 a year
- Nurse Practitioner: 9%, $96,400 a year
- Nurse Anesthetist: 41%, $162,900 a year
Increase in Male Nurses (
- In 1970, only 2.7% of registered nurses were male, compared to 9.6% in 2011.
- In 1970, 3.9% of LVNs were male, compared to 8.1% in 2011
- Only 4.1% of registered nurses who graduated before 1990 were male, compared to 9.6% for those graduating after 1990 (
Male Nurse Satisfaction (
- 84% of male nurses are “satisfied” with their choice of nursing as a profession
- 90% of women meet the above statistic
- As a result of those statistics, men are more likely to leave their job as a nurse than women are
Male Nurses in an Urban World (
- 9.4% of RNs working in urban areas are male
- 7.8% of RNs working in rural areas are male
- 8.5% of LPNs working in urban areas are male
- 4.8% of LPNs working in rural areas are male
Male Nurse Work Environment (
- 12% of male nurses work 50 hours or more per week, compared to 6% of female nurses
General Nursing Statistics
- There are 2,661,890 registered nurses in the U.S. (
- Registered nursing is expected to grow by 19% from 2012 to 2022 ( This will result in 526,800 new jobs.
- There are only 35,430 nurse anesthetists in the country (
- The job growth for nurse anesthetists between 2012 and 2022 is projected to be 31%, resulting in 47,600 new jobs. (
- 3 out of 5 nurses work in hospitals (
- “Nurses comprise the largest single component of hospital staff, are the primary providers of hospital patient care, and deliver most of the nation’s long-term care” (
- 13.2% of registered nurses have master’s degrees or doctoral degrees (