Types of Nursing Degrees

types of nursing degreesThe healthcare industry’s continued growth provides a variety of professional employment opportunities for individuals interested in becoming a nurse. If you’re interested in the nursing profession, then learning more about the different types of nursing programs available will allow you to make an educated decision as to which degree is right for your individual circumstance.

Academic colleges and universities of higher learning offer a variety of nursing programs for potential students to choose from. These colleges and universities will vary on course curriculum, course requirements, tuition, and other important factors you will want to consider. Prestigious universities will be more expensive than your local state-owned community colleges; although, prestigious universities are more expensive they usually offer accreditation, internships, labs for hands-on experience, and job placement rate higher following graduation. As you consider different schools of learning, make sure you review the different types of nursing degrees that will help you to achieve your vocational goals, and that will work within your current lifestyle and budget. Here are available nursing programs offered at different colleges throughout the United States.

Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) or Licensed Vocational Nurse (LVN) Degree

Licensed practical nurse’s earn an average median income around $43,000 per year according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (visited December 27, 2016). Licensed practical nursing (LPN) or licensed vocational nursing (LVN) programs offered through universities and colleges are often the quickest route to graduating, usually around 1 year. The course curriculum is a great introduction to the nursing industry if students are looking to find employment quicker, then go back to school after working in the industry to become a RN. This degree tends to be more convenient for individuals who need to work while going through school or vocational training. More universities and colleges now offer online nursing classes allowing more flexibility with work schedules, rather than trying to sign up for classes around work schedules. When a student has completed a state-approved LPN program they become qualified to take the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX-PN) to become a LPN or LVN. Below are some top colleges that offer LPN programs.

Southern Union State Community College

Southern Union State Community College was established in 1993 when two colleges merged to make one institution. The college serves over 5,000 students and is focused on providing quality and relevant educational opportunities. The school’s aim is to make sure school is affordable, accessible, responsive, and equitable in order to match the diverse needs of its student body.

  • Location: Wadley, AL
  • Student Enrollment: 4,500
  • Type of School: Public
  • College Accredited: Yes
  • Offers Online Programs: Yes
  • Scholarships: Yes
  • Southern Union State Community College Nursing Programs: Associate, LPN

Cleveland Community College

Cleveland Community College fosters a competitive learning environment for its students as they are able to choose from three different educational tracks. This is a great college to jump start a nursing career.

  • Location: Shelby, NC
  • Student Enrollment: 306
  • Type of School: Public
  • College Accredited: Yes
  • Offers Online Programs: Yes
  • Scholarships: Yes
  • Tuition: $2,398
  • Cleveland Community College Nursing Programs: LPN-to-RN, LPN

Clarkson College

Clarkson College is a private college that specializes in healthcare sciences. The college is one of the few colleges that began as a nursing schools and continues teaching excellence in its nursing program. The college exceeds at helping its student to graduate and to be the best healthcare professionals in the industry.

  • Location: Omaha, NE
  • Student Enrollment: 1,201
  • Type of School: Private
  • College Accredited: Yes
  • Offers Online Programs: Yes
  • Scholarships: Yes
  • Tuition: $13,352
  • Clarkson College Nursing Programs: BS/BSN, LPN, LPN-to-BSN, Accelerated BSN, RN-to-BSN, RN-to-MSN, MSN, Nurse Educator, Nurse Anesthetist, Nurse Practitioner

Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) to Associates Degree

Students interested in becoming an entry-level registered nurse have the opportunity to enroll in a LPN-to-Associates (ADN) program. These types of courses are considered bridge programs that make it possible to more easily progress from one degree to a more advanced degree allowing individuals to earn a higher income. The average median income of a registered nurse is around $67,000 per year. Students are required a specific amount of clinical hours obtained through internships from local medical facilities, or through the program itself and through their partnerships. As clinical hours are required earning an ADN is not usually possible via online courses solely. If you are currently working as a LPN, you may want to ask your employer if they offer any percent toward tuition reimbursement as some employers provide a specific percentage toward school. The information below shares some of your top nursing schools offering LPN to RN programs, LVN to RN degrees, or also known as LPN to ADN.

Concordia University

Concordia University nursing program focuses on helping its students to become caring, compassionate, and competent healthcare professionals. This is accomplished by making sure its students learn proper procedures, skills, and practices that allow them to effectively apply their learning upon graduating. Students who graduate from the nursing program are able to proceed with confidence in taking the national exam due to a 95% exam pass rate.

  • Location: Rocky Mount, NC
  • NCLEX-RN Pass Rate: 95.56%
  • Type of School: Public
  • Program Length: 4 years
  • College Accredited: Yes
  • Offers Online Programs: Yes
  • Scholarships: Yes
  • Tuition: $13,950
  • Concordia University Nursing Programs: LPN-to-RN, LVN-to-RN, LPN

Bristol Community College

Bristol Community College currently has three campuses that offer the schools programs of higher learning. The school was originally established in 1968. Students are able to achieve excellence through local medical facilities that offer hands-on learning. The school also offers distance educational learning opportunities. Once a students completes the LPN program they are able to easily transition or transfer to other programs to further their educational pursuits.

  • Location: Fall River, MA
  • NCLEX-RN Pass Rate: 90%
  • Program Length: 2 years
  • Type of School: Public
  • College Accredited: Yes
  • Offers Online Programs: Yes
  • Scholarships: Yes
  • Tuition: $179.00 per credit hour
  • Bristol Community College Nursing Programs: LPN-to-RN

Central Community College

Central Community College (CCC) provides a successful history ensuring students are able to receive the necessary education, training, or certification to pursue a successful career in the healthcare profession. The school’s nursing programs are accredited.

  • Location: Grand Island, NE
  • Student Enrollment: 7,521
  • Type of School: Public
  • College Accredited: Yes
  • Offers Online Programs: Yes
  • Scholarships: Yes
  • Tuition: $2,640
  • Central Community College Nursing Programs: Associate, LPN-to-RN, LPN

Associate of Science in Nursing Degree

Students enrolled in college to obtain an associate’s degree in nursing (ADN) will learn more technical skills rather than a focus on theory. The amount of time will vary between schools; however, standard ADN programs will require two-to-three years of schooling. This degree will provide students the opportunity to obtain entry-level nursing jobs that require specific skill sets, certifications, and license. The national licensing exam, NCLEX-RN, is required in order to become a RN. This degree is centered around obtaining clinical reasoning, critical thinking, and the ability to successfully deliver quality patient care within professional healthcare settings. We have a few of top schools that offer Associate of Science in Nursing programs below.

Colby Community College

Colby Community College offers students the opportunity to earn an Associates of Science in Nursing (ASN) degree. The school is considered a 1+1 nursing program, because students achieve their ASN degree in two parts: level 1 and level 2.

  • Location: Colby, KS
  • Thomas County Resident Tuition: $105
  • Kansas State Resident Tuition: $110
  • Border State Resident (CO, MO, NE, OK, TX) Tuition: $130
  • Out-of-State Tuition: $164
  • Type of School: Public
  • College Accredited: Yes
  • Offers Online Programs: Yes
  • Scholarships: Yes
  • Colby Community College Nursing Programs: Associate (ASN), LPN-to-RN, LPN

Kellogg Community College

Kellogg Community College was founded in 1956 and currently offers degrees in health, business, technical, and science fields. One of the school’s specialties is offering training programs for students seeking to enhance their skills for current employment.

  • Location: Battle Creek, MI
  • Tuition: $103/credit hour
  • Student Enrollment: 10,500
  • Type of School: Public
  • College Accredited: Yes
  • Offers Online Programs: Yes
  • Scholarships: Yes
  • Kellogg Community College Nursing Programs: Associate, RN

Alcorn State University

Alcorn State University continues to recognize two main elements that enhance student wisdom: education and character. The more wisdom students obtain the more success they will enjoy in their chosen profession. The university’s nursing program promotes educational excellence and leadership. Students are able to embrace the university’s core values: holism, professionalism, integrity, diversity, competence, leadership, and accountability.

  • Location: Alcorn, Mississippi
  • Tuition: $103/credit hour
  • Student Enrollment: 3,250
  • Type of School: Public
  • College Accredited: Yes
  • Offers Online Programs: Yes
  • Scholarships: Yes
  • Alcorn State University Nursing Programs: Associate, BS/BSN, LPN-to-RN, RN-to-BSN, MSN, Nurse Educator, Nurse Practitioner


The Licensed Practical Nurse to Bachelor of Science in Nursing (LPN to BSN) program was created to bridge schooling already received in a nursing program. Students who have already become a LPN are able to move forward from their current level of schooling without having to go through a traditional 4 year degree to earn a BSN. When students obtain their BSN, becoming a RN, their roles will change due to the legal aspects of practicing your nursing degree have changed. The course curriculum will address specific changes to your role as you take these bridge classes, and depending on the state you the legal changes will vary. We have provided some top colleges and universities that offer LPN to BSN programs.

Hannibal-LaGrange College

Hannibal-LaGrange College, a four-year college, provides students an opportunity to earn a nursing degree through different tracks. The college offers traditional courses as well ass hybrid programs for students to learn online in order to continue working while attending school.

  • Location: Hannibal, MO
  • Tuition: $19,530
  • Student Enrollment: 1,1910
  • Type of School: Private
  • College Accredited: Yes
  • Offers Online Programs: Yes
  • Scholarships: Yes
  • Hannibal-LaGrange College Nursing Programs: Associate, BS/BSN, LPN-to-RN, LPN-to-BSN, RN-to-BSN

Fairmont State University

Fairmont State University was established in 1865, and continues a rich history of providing students with academic excellence. The school currently offers around 80 bachelor’s degrees and five graduate programs for students to choose from.

  • Location: Fairmont, WV
  • Tuition (12+ credit hours): $3,475
  • Student Enrollment: 4,575
  • Type of School: Public
  • College Accredited: Yes
  • Offers Online Programs: Yes
  • Scholarships: Yes
  • Fairmont State University Nursing Programs: Associate, BS/BSN, LPN-to-RN, LPN-to-BSN, RN-to-BSN, MSN, Nurse Educator

Southern Vermont College

Southern Vermont College is a small close knit college that open doors to potential and opportunities. Class sizes are 16 students with a faculty to student ration of 1:14. Students receive personalized instruction and have mentors each step though their education at SVC. Graduates are empowered with a degree that is recognized and valued by health care facilities and providers, including hospitals, nursing homes, medical centers, physicians in private practice and clinics. Employment opportunities for SVC nursing graduates include pediatrics, critical care, obstetrics, medical, surgical and psychiatric nursing within the acute care setting as well as in non-acute care-settings such as primary care, long-term care, community health and hospice care.

  • Location: Bennington, VT
  • Tuition: $22,645
  • Student Enrollment: 550
  • Type of School: Private
  • College Accredited: Yes
  • Offers Online Programs: Yes
  • Scholarships: Yes
  • Southern Vermont College Nursing Programs: Associate, BS/BSN, LPN-to-BSN, RN-to-BSN
  • Website: https://www.svc.edu/

Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN)

A Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) is one of the more preferred degrees of education by nursing leaders, and provides more opportunities for employment as a nursing professional. The purpose of obtaining a BSN is to broaden ones overall education in the nursing field. Students will be responsible in taking core classes, they will have clinical requirements, and students will have the opportunity to take speaking classes, leadership classes, and other classes that will enhance their skill set as a healthcare professional. As a result of broader educational accomplishments RN’s with a BSN will be able to work within different healthcare settings: traditional employment, speciality offices, cancer treatment centers, administrative positions, pediatrics, and also hospital which have chosen to only hire RNs with a BSN. The degree will normally take 4 years assuming you are attending school full-time. Check out below for some of the top colleges that offer a Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Southern Vermont College

Southern Vermont College considers itself a close knit college that enhances students potential and opportunities. Students are able to enjoy smaller class sizes, around 16 students to faculty, that provide more personalized instruction. Upon graduating, students are empowered with the knowledge to pass necessary exams and the confidence to excel as a nursing professional.

  • Location: Bennington, VT
  • Tuition: $22,645
  • Student Enrollment: 550
  • Type of School: Private
  • College Accredited: Yes
  • Offers Online Programs: Yes
  • Scholarships: Yes
  • Southern Vermont College Nursing Programs: Associate, BS/BSN, LPN-to-BSN, RN-to-BSN
  • Website: https://www.svc.edu/

Westminster College

Westminster College currently provides one of the Nations top nursing programs that leads the nation in innovative practices. Students enjoy smaller class sizes that allow for more one-on-one learning and superior levels of educational experience. Students will develop skills and obtain knowledge to become experts as healthcare professionals. They will develop communication skills and critical thinking as they learn how to properly care for patients.

  • Location: Salt Lake City
  • Tuition: $30,364
  • College Accredited: Yes
  • Scholarships: Yes
  • Westminster College Nursing Programs: RN to BSN, BSN, MSN
  • Website: https://www.westminstercollege.edu/

Western Michigan University – Bronson School of Nursing

Western Michigan University was established in 1903. The university is nationally recognized due to its learner-centered, globally engaged, and discover driven curriculum. The nursing program provides emerging knowledge, applicable practice to compete now and in the future, and the opportunity to learn essential skills and knowledge in the healthcare industry. Students will learn proper discipline, proper empathy and compassion toward patients, and increase their skills of critical thinking.

  • Location: Kalamazoo, MI
  • Tuition: $5,285/12-15 credits
  • Student Enrollment: 23,000+
  • Type of School: Public
  • College Accredited: Yes
  • Offers Online Programs: Yes
  • Scholarships: Yes
  • Western Michigan University Nursing Programs: BS/BSN, RN-to-BSN

Registered Nurse to Bachelor of Science in Nursing (RN-to-BSN)

Students who have already earned an Associate of Science in Nursing (ASN), or a diploma program achieving status of RN will have the opportunity to bridge their schooling into a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. Obtaining a Bachelor of Science in Nursing will increase job employments opportunities upon graduation and potential salary increase. These bridge programs have become an excellent avenue for RNs to advance their careers without having to go through the whole nursing program to earn a BSN. The program will take around 2 years to complete. Schools provide a flexible program knowing their students are often working nurses and require flexible class schedules, some schools offer different start dates to meet potential students needs, and even online educational classes are possible with some colleges and universities. The information below provides some top schools that offer RN to BSN programs.

Metropolitan State University

Metropolitan State University’s nursing program is flexible, high-quality, and affordable education. The university is located in Twin Cities, Minnesota and its ability to empower students with knowledge, wisdom, and character has earned the university a national reputation.

  • Location: Twin Cities, MN
  • Annual Tuition: $7,566
  • Student Enrollment: 7,355
  • Type of School: Public
  • College Accredited: Yes
  • Offers Online Programs: Yes
  • Scholarships: Yes
  • Metropolitan State University Nursing Programs: BS/BSN, LPN-to-BSN, Accelerated BSN, Accelerated MSN, RN-to-BSN, MSN, Nurse Educator, Nurse Practitioner, DNP (Doctor of Nursing Practice)
  • Website: http://www.metrostate.edu/

University of Southern Mississippi

Southern Miss originally started out as a small teachers college which now offers multiple higher academic degrees to more than 15,000 students from more than 71 different countries. Students who are considering a nursing degree will be able to show how to properly care for patients, pass national exams, and receive specialized training in their nursing program.

  • Location: Hattiesburg, Mississippi
  • Tuition: $7,224
  • Student Enrollment: 15,300
  • Type of School: Public
  • College Accredited: Yes
  • Offers Online Programs: Yes
  • Scholarships: Yes
  • University of Southern Mississippi Nursing Programs: RN-to-BSN, BS/BSN, RN-to-MSN, MSN, Nurse Practitioner, PhD (Doctoral), DNP (Doctor of Nursing Practice)
  • Website: http://www.usm.edu/

New Mexico State University

New Mexico State University nursing students will receive the necessary skills and knowledge to be prepared to become nursing professionals. They will be able to promote health and improve the quality of life for their patients and employment.

  • Location: Las Cruces, NM
  • Tuition: $6,093
  • Student Enrollment: 12,500
  • Type of School: Public
  • College Accredited: Yes
  • Offers Online Programs: Yes
  • Scholarships: Yes
  • New Mexico State University Nursing Programs: RN-to-BSN, BS/BSN, Nurse Practitioner
  • Website: http://www.nmsu.edu/

Second Degree BSN

Second degree Bachelor of Science in Nursing programs are offered to students who have already earned a bachelors degree in another discipline of study, and are often accelerated learning programs. The initial bachelor’s degree fulfills the liberal arts course requirements allowing students to jump right into their nursing curriculum. The course will approximately take 18 months depending on the school you attend. Some colleges and universities will offer online courses for their students. All other core aspects of the degree will remain and students will be required to complete all necessary courses, labs, and clinical experience to obtain a BSN. Once the course has been completed students then qualify to take the national licensure exam upon graduating.

East Carolina University

East Carolina University is a top tier school that strives to provide smaller class sizes, 18:1 student/faculty ratio, for more personalized (one-on-one) educational learning. The university’s success continues to impact the local community, the state, and the nationwide. The schools nursing programs has received top national awards which have recognized the schools academic excellence.

  • Location: Greenville, NC
  • Tuition: $6,580
  • Student Enrollment: 28,9625
  • Type of School: Public
  • College Accredited: Yes
  • Offers Online Programs: Yes
  • Scholarships: Yes
  • East Carolina University Nursing Programs: BS/BSN, Accelerated MSN, RN-to-BSN, RN-to-MSN, MSN, Certified Nurse Midwife, Nurse Educator, Nurse Anesthetist, Nurse Practitioner, PhD (Doctoral)
  • Website: http://www.nursing.ecu.edu/

West Virginia University Institute of Technology

West Virginia University Institute of Technology was established in 1985 and offers students the choice of learning at two different campuses (Montgomery & Beckley); although, the schools has plans to operate entirely from the Beckley campus sometime in the future. Academic excellence and more personal time and instruction from the colleges instructors are two elements that make this university great.

  • Location: Beckley, WV
  • Annual Tuition: $7,992
  • Student Enrollment: 1,200
  • Type of School: Public
  • College Accredited: Yes
  • Offers Online Programs: Yes
  • Scholarships: Yes
  • West Virginia University Institute of Technology Nursing Programs: BS/BSN, Accelerated BSN, RN-to-MSN, MSN, Nurse Practitioner, PhD (Doctoral)
  • Website: http://nursing.hsc.wvu.edu/


Roseman has been recognized as a transforming force in health care education, and as a vibrant, stimulating place to work and learn. It has been nominated as “best in class,” among other awards and recognitions. Nursing is a career with limitless opportunities and virtually no boundaries. Health care professionals work in a variety of settings and hours, find what works for you. At Roseman, we offer an accelerated BSN program that allows students finish in as little as 16 months. Roseman is a professional, accelerated school that leads in the health care industry.

  • Location: South Jordan, UT
  • Type of School: Private
  • College Accredited: Yes
  • Offers Online Programs: Yes
  • Scholarships: Yes
  • Roseman Nursing Programs: Accelerated BSN, BS/BSN
  • Website: http://www.roseman.edu/

Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)

Master of Science in Nursing degrees make it possible for RNs to be able to specialize their knowledge and expertise. Some nurses will choose to specialize in business administration, public health, or hospital administration. Although a MSN degree will take less time (18-24 months), courses are often more rigorous as students focus on their specialty. The MSN program allows RNs to be qualified for entry-level positions as nurse educators and managers. If you are a working nurse, nurses with higher levels of education become a more valuable asset to the practice; as such, many employers are willing to work out some tuition reimbursement for employees seeking to increase their professional skills as a nurse. Some colleges will offer a joint MSN/MBA degree that has been created for working nurses; however, expect a higher load of work as students are now obtaining two degrees within one program. Once you have graduated and are interested in furthering your education you can look into a doctorate level degree that will open the opportunities to become a nurse practitioner, clinical nurse specialist, a nurse midwife, or a nurse anesthetist. The list below provides three top schools that offer MSN programs.

Saginaw Valley State University

Saginaw Valley State University is able to transform the lives its students and to prepare them for future employment by providing excellence in educational learning. The university is well known for its experiential learning, innovative teaching, and state-of-the-art facilities. The nursing programs offered will provide students with the necessary learning opportunities and labs to advance their skills as nursing professionals.

  • Location: University Center, MI
  • Tuition: $296-$413/credit hour
  • Student Enrollment: 9,000+
  • Type of School: Public
  • College Accredited: Yes
  • Offers Online Programs: Yes
  • Scholarships: Yes
  • Saginaw Valley State University Programs: BS/BSN, Accelerated BSN, RN-to-BSN, RN-to-MSN, MSN, Nurse Practitioner

Winona State University

Winona State University is a comprehensive public university that was founded in 1858. This university is a great opportunity for nursing professionals to advance their skills and knowledge.

  • Location: Winona, MN
  • Tuition (Campus): $143/credit hour
  • Tuition (Online): $180/credit hour
  • Student Enrollment: 8,500
  • Type of School: Public
  • College Accredited: Yes
  • Offers Online Programs: Yes
  • Scholarships: Yes
  • Winona State University Nursing Programs: RN-to-BSN, BS/BSN, RN-to-MSN, MSN, Nurse Practitioner
  • Website: http://www.winona.edu/

Missouri State University

Graduates of Missouri State University become global citizens with their impact on the global community and service to every community they work in. With a state of the art clinic building for labs and in depth learning students will learn with the latest technology offered in the health care industry. Participants will be trained in applying nursing theory in a variety of settings while thinking critically to provide the best possible outcome for patients across the life span.

  • Location: Springfield, MO
  • Tuition: $11,326
  • Student Enrollment: 26,000
  • Type of School: Public
  • College Accredited: Yes
  • Offers Online Programs: Yes
  • Scholarships: Yes
  • Missouri State University Nursing Programs: RN-to-BSN, BS/BSN, MSN, Doctorate of Nursing, Nurse Anesthetist, Nurse Practitioner
  • Website: http://www.missouristate.edu/

More MSN Programs

Bridge RN to MSN Programs: RN’s who have obtained an associates degree are able to enroll into a RN-to-MSN accelerated program. This will allow RNs to not only obtain a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) they will be able obtain a MSN degree in one fell swoop. This avenue is an excellent option for students who want to specialize in a particular nursing field that a BSN degree will not allow. RNs who already want to specialize can progress through this bridge program without having to first earn a BSN, and then having to go through proper application steps to be accepted to an MSN program. Some colleges or universities will offer online courses; however, clinical experience will be required so not every class will be able to be accomplished online. This is a great program for RNs who have had a couple years of experience working as a healthcare professional.

Direct Entry MSN Programs: Generalist Master of Science programs (GEM) are degrees for students who have obtained a baccalaureate degree in some other field other than nursing. This degree will require around 75 credit hours and will build upon previous educational accomplishments via intense course and classes focusing on nursing curriculum that will prepare graduated students for the NCLEX exam.

Nebraska Wesleyan University

Nebraska Wesleyan University (NWU) currently provides academic excellence to over 40,000 students. The university is able to offer smaller class sizes with a ratio of 13:1 (student to faculty). The schools offers programs for new college students aiming to become a RN, or students who have already achieved RN status and would like to pursue furthering their knowledge and career opportunities.

  • Location: Lincoln, NE
  • Tuition: $28,500
  • Type of School: Private
  • College Accredited: Yes
  • Offers Online Programs: Yes
  • Scholarships: Yes
  • Nebraska Wesleyan University Nursing Programs: RN-to-BSN, RN-to-MSN, MSN, Nurse Educator
  • Website: http://www.nebrwesleyan.edu/

University of Vermont

University of Vermont was established in 1791 is is one of the oldest public universities in the nation. Students will be able to enjoy a challenging academic atmosphere empowering students with the knowledge, critical thinking, and communication skills to enhance their career opportunities.

  • Location: Burlington, VT
  • Tuition: $14,664
  • Student Enrollment: 12,856
  • Type of School: Public
  • College Accredited: Yes
  • Offers Online Programs: Yes
  • Scholarships: Yes
  • University of Vermont Nursing Programs: RN-to-BSN, BS/BSN, RN-to-MSN, Nurse Practitioner
  • Website: http://www.uvm.edu/

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)

A Doctor of Nursing Practice degree opens up avenues of employment for leadership roles (either as a manager or executive level employee), and is not to be confused with a nursing PhD. A nurse PhD qualifies students to mark a career path in teaching and research; whereas, a DNP will further your career on the clinical side. According to current nursing trends, students who have obtained a DNP are in higher demand and will the demand will continue into the next decade – at least. The program will take from 3-5 years to complete.

Doctor of Nursing Degree (ND)

The focus of a Doctor of Nursing degree is to increase specialized skills within the nursing profession. This is considered an entry-level doctorate degree that prepares students to move forward in obtaining a DNP, a DNSc, or Doctor of Nursing Philosophy (PhD), and usually is around 3 years to complete.

Doctor of Nursing Science (DNSc)

A Doctor of Nursing Science (DScN, DNSc, DNS, or DSN) center focus is research and theory, and is considered as a terminal degree within Schools of Nursing. A terminal degree is considered one of the highest achievements academically and professionally. The degree will take approximately five years to complete, and will open up job opportunities as an educator, administrator, an analyst, and other higher level position in the nursing field. Students will be able to increase skills in research, clinical, and leadership roles that are important to the healthcare profession. Schools accomplish this by providing rigorous courses grounded in improving patient welfare, leadership knowledge and skills, and the ability to enhance your office surroundings. Graduates are expected to have learned/shown:

  • How assess weaknesses related to the nursing field and to be able to provide a viable solution to make it better.
  • The ability to guide and educate other nurses.
  • Exercise proper leadership by applying learned knowledge as needed.
  • How to properly organize and manage nursing staff to create an optimal atmosphere for patient welfare.

Doctor of Nursing Philosophy (PhD)

Nursing PhD programs will provide nurses with the ability to advance in their theoretical understanding within healthcare delivery and nursing practice. As a full-time student the PhD courses in Nursing Philosophy will take between four to five years to complete. Students will be required to extensively research varying theories and practices in the nursing industry in order to complete a final dissertation. Once graduated, students will be able to engage in multiple dimensions within the healthcare industry. Schools may offer bridge programs for students who have already earned a specific degree and are now coming back for more schooling:

  • MSN/PhD: This degree combines a master’s and doctorate in an accelerated program.
  • BSN-PhD: Focus is on BSN-holders with plans to become researchers or teachers of nursing.

Schools that offer Doctor in Nursing Degrees:

University of Utah

The University of Utah is among the top research and medical schools in the United States. The university continues to strive to provide its students with up-to-date knowledge and research that maintain academic excellence. Students are able to learn through traditional classroom education as well as online virtual classrooms. The nursing program has state-of-the-art facilities and simulation allowing students to grow and increase in wisdom, character, and knowledge.

  • Location: Salt Lake City, UT
  • Tuition: $8,240
  • Student Enrollment: 32,061
  • Type of School: Public
  • College Accredited: Yes
  • Offers Online Programs: Yes
  • Scholarships: Yes
  • University of Uta Nursing Programs: RN, RN to BSN, MSN, DNP, PhD in Nursing
  • Website: http://www.utah.edu/

Southern Adventist University

Southern Adventist University has been and continues to be committed to its students academic achievements. Students are able to learn to enhance their skills in any of the provided degrees and programs. The university is committed to making a positive impact on its students social, spiritual, physical, and emotional well being.

  • Location: Collegedale, TN
  • Annual Tuition: $4,910
  • Student Enrollment: 2,200
  • Type of School: Private
  • College Accredited: Yes
  • Offers Online Programs: Yes
  • Scholarships: Yes
  • Southern Adventist University Nursing Programs: Associate, RN-to-BSN, BS/BSN, RN-to-MSN, MSN, Nurse Practitioner
  • Website: http://www.southern.edu/

Texas Tech University Health Science Center

Texas Tech University Health Science Center is a leading provider in the state of Texas for its educational programs. The university offers academic excellence due to a reliable course curriculum that is student-centered. Students will be able to obtain clinical experience during their years of study. Students are able to obtain a baccalaureate, masters, or doctorate degree. Students who have already earned a BSN are able to enroll into accelerated program paths to achieve a MSN or DNP.

  • Location: Collegedale, TN
  • Tuition: $$17,814
  • NCLEX-RN Pass Rate: 85.28%
  • Program Length: 4-5 years
  • College Accredited: Yes

Shepherd University

Shepherd University has been providing exceptional learning opportunities to students for over 145 years. The university offers multiple degrees within the nursing field of study for students to choose from at an affordable price.

  • Location: Shepherdstown, WV
  • Tuition (per semester): $3,585
  • Student Enrollment: 2,200
  • Type of School: Public
  • College Accredited: Yes
  • Offers Online Programs: Yes
  • Scholarships: Yes
  • Shepherd University Nursing Programs: Associate, RN to BSN, BS/BSN, MSN, DNP, Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP)
  • Website: http://www.shepherd.edu/